Have you missed a couple of payments on your mortgage in Omaha or Council Bluffs? Are you currently in pre-foreclosure? Or are you in foreclosure in Omaha, Council Bluffs, Lincoln or the surrounding area currently? Foreclosure can be a very, very emotional time for not only you, but also for your family. It can lead to very, very devastating effects moving forward, filing for foreclosure. It can have a long-term residual effects from what kind of clothes you’re going to wear, the types of cars you can afford, if you can even afford to purchase another house, or if you’re going to have to live in an apartment. A lot of things are going to be affected by going through a foreclosure. Foreclosure is going to appear on your credit report, so you’re going to be considered a bad credit risk. Anytime you go to apply for credit cards, maybe a new car, any type of unsecured credit, even secured credit, another mortgage, you’re probably going to be denied. And if you’re not denied, you’re going to be charged exorbitant interest rates, as well as high fees for being considered a bad credit risk because of the foreclosure.
So, if you have equity in your house, the foreclosure odds are, you’re probably going to lose the majority of it, if not all of it, because you’re going to have to pay off the mortgage. So, if you are going through foreclosure, the best thing you can do is to communicate with your bank or mortgage company. A lot of times the bank or mortgage company might be able to keep you in your house, help you catch up on your payments, they might have some kind of program or system, they can do that. But, if you’re not open with them and reaching out to them, those types of things aren’t going to happen. So, you get a letter from your mortgage company, open it up, don’t put it in a draw. Call them, see what you can do. You’d be surprised.
Because the mortgage company is not a real estate company, they really don’t want your house, they don’t want to sell your house in Omaha or Council Bluffs. They’d rather have you make the payments and stay in it, to be quite honest with you. So open your mail, keep the lines of communication open, and you’d be surprised what would happen. Just going that far to keep you out of foreclosure. Because after foreclosure, you really have no say, they’re going to determine when your house is sold, how it’s sold, how much it’s sold for. If the house sells for less than what you owe on it, you are still going to be responsible for that difference in debt. It’s called deficiency debt, and you will have to pay it back. So, also after the foreclosure, if you go to rent an apartment, rent a house, the landlord is going to run a credit check on you, and they’re going to see your foreclosure and see that you are a credit risk. So odds are, they’re going to pick the other applicants over you that have better credit.
They look at it as it gives them better odds, that they’re going to collect the rent for their property. So, finding a house to live in could also be a challenge moving forward after foreclosure. What we do, is we work with a lot of people that are going through foreclosure. A lot of times we can work something out with them, to keep them from filing for foreclosure. Though, usually, the way that works is, we can buy the house from them, get them out of the debt from the bank or the mortgage company. And then, they can walk away without any bad credit on their credit, at least from foreclosure anyway. And, they get a check and then we take the house over, and then it works out good for everybody.
Foreclosure is a special, special circumstance. So, it’s very unique to each individual person or each situation. So, if you’re going through foreclosure in Omaha or Council Bluffs, have some questions, need some help, we’d be more than happy to talk with you. And, we’re very transparent, if we can’t help you, maybe we can give you some suggestions or some places to go, where you can get some help. But, you can reach us at harterinvestments.com or 402-939-6556. My name is Cory Harter. I am one of the owners and investors along with my wife Chris. You can also reach me at 402-939-6556, or email cory@harterinvestments.com. So, I would be more than happy to talk with you, see if we can work together, if not, see if I can help you out or we can help you with another direction. God bless. Have a great day. Looking forward to talking with you soon.